Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kind Sight

We have all had those moments in life where we looked back on an experience and wished with all our hearts that we had done something different. "Hindsight is 20/20" they say, but is it really?

Hindsight is when we look back and see the experience from a broader view, a different perspective or from a place of greater wisdom. We have already walked through the experience, so we have learned a lot more since that time we were experiencing it. So, from this vantage point it seems that we can see every little detail with 20/20 vision and things that were hidden from sight before, are now glaringly clear.

When this happens, regret comes streaming in as we level our dissatisfaction onto ourselves about how we could have changed things, or more importantly, how we could have avoided the entire situation from the beginning. We wonder at ourselves and how in the world we got ourselves into such a situation and self loathing is the result.

The thing is, every situation we attract into our lives is there for a reason. Most importantly, there is absolutely no reason to berate, loath, criticize, chastise, or harshly judge ourselves for any reason. No matter the result to any situation, we are in a place of learning and we should no more be hard on ourselves than we would a baby learning to crawl for the first time! Truly, would you punish a baby for falling when they first attempt to walk? Of course not!

We too are learning with each and every experience we have. If we weren't we would not have had the experience! There is no "right" or "wrong" here, just learning and all learning is beneficial no matter how it may appear to be other wise.

One thing I try to remember when I have one of those "anytime moments" of learning is, that I am a multidimensional being having a multidimensional experience. What I mean by that is, that there is FAR more going on than what meets the eye. There are multi levels involved in each situation, not only with myself, but others that are involved as well. Think about that a minute. You and they, here and now, with you and they multi levels, there and now! How can we really know what is taking place when so many levels of ourselves are dancing the same dance but at different levels! It is simple, we can't.

Something else to consider is that the entire situation may have nothing to do with you. Maybe, you are there to help another. Maybe you were invited into the situation in order to show a different way, or different perspective. To teach by example. There are far too many factors at play for us to place blame onto ourselves or onto others, for that matter.

We are all here, at this time in human history to work through old outdated patterns, past relationships, and personal soul history. How than can we cast blame on ourselves for any reason? It is self care, self love and self understanding that is needed most. We are walking through fire, in order to cross the bridge to a better way of life, not only for ourselves but for every living thing on Earth.

Would it surprise you to know that the entire universe is sitting at the edge of their collective seats in AWE of us! That's right, in AWE! We are the ones that came here to this level of experience to do the unthinkable! To chart the path out of bondage and into freedom for this beloved planet and all her live. We, who feel at times no bigger than the smallest grain of sand are the ones who are making the biggest difference in the world with each and every experience we have.

We are worthy of far more than what we would give to ourselves and I for one, think it is high time that we realize, that what we are doing in each experience we have, is far greater than we will ever know and what we do for ourselves, our children, our planet and each other, is done from the highest place of love this universe has ever seen.

So, the next time you look back and wonder what the heck was I thinking, remember, it is not what you were thinking, it is how much you were loving!

Just loving you along,
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ease And Grace

Lately, something different has come into my awareness. It seems that a lot of the material being written today about how to achieve spiritual awareness, is being written in such a way that it would seem to someone just waking, to be overwhelming and never attainable! I even felt a sense of exhaustion just reading of all the different things, ways, stages and steps required. It was sounding impossible to reach which brought on a sense of futility inside of me and I have been on this path for years now. I kept thinking to myself, "Boy, if I was just now waking, I would feel totally overwhelmed by what I have been reading and never consider changing my life!"
Now, the information I have read is pack full of  truth, but seeing it through the sleepy eyes of those just now awakening, I can see them wanting to roll over and hit the snooze button! I have been on this road for a very long time and I just felt the need to write a little about the spiritual truths and how to apply them to life. First of all, understanding that the road to "enlightenment" is a road without any particular destination, is a great place to start. Our journey never ends, it just opens wider and wider.

What is needed today though is a way to change our current situations. In this case, knowing that the road has no particular destination let's us off the hook of having to get "somewhere," or to become "someone" and instead allows us to focus on the present where the change we seek the most is available.

Changing our thinking patterns, changes our life. Period. Changes that we can experience now, not some time down the road when we "get there." That isn't what we are in need of right now anyway. We wish to change things, NOW. So, focus on now. On each new day and that will take the overwhelm away.

Changing how we view our lives and ourselves, changes our life as well. We can do these things one day at a time. It is a process. Each time we catch ourselves being critical of ourselves or others, we can change that thought in that moment by understanding that we are just acting from old patterns, no more, no less. No need to "beat ourselves up" over it, just acknowledge it, change our thought to a positive one, and move on. It is that simple.

Pretty soon, the negative thoughts, actions and feelings diminish and more loving thoughts are our first thoughts and feelings. It gets easier with each passing day and our DNA is being cleared and recreated along with every new thought and feeling we allow ourselves to have without the self judgement attached. This is the fast track to "enlightenment" and there is no destination but the now moment.

Years ago it took a lot of effort to wade through the collective unconsciousness in order to make any real changes in our lives. Today, the collective consciousness has risen to such a degree that by stopping just one critical thought or feeling, can change our DNA, change our mind and change our life. No longer do we have to wade through the mud and the muck. The path is shinning bright for everyone and it simply takes the desire to make the change that will have the greatest effect in our lives.

So, when you are reading about all the things you have to do and all the stages you must go through in order to become "enlightened," just remember. What you think and feel today and than tomorrow, will have more impact in your life now, than any 12 step program, light body activations or book series that someone is telling you is necessary for you to reach utopia. Frankly, you are already there, you just have to let those parts of you that have been living in the darkness for so very long, remember this.

Just loving you along, one day at a time!
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